Prison Restaurant


Last night we visited a prison restaurant for dinner. It was incredibly scary, and revealed to me how, though Japanese people may seem shy and reserved, they are always ready to try weird and wacky things. The restaurant was located underground, and to enter the eating area we had to first go through an abandoned haunted house, which really set the mood.

Upon entering, we were greeted by a policewoman, who promptly handcuffed me and dragged us to our cell. Each eating area is designed as a cell, complete with door and cracked walls. There is a table and whilst the door is always unlocked, it remains shut {unless you need the bathroom – of course}. All of the staff are dressed as prisoners and are incredibly spooky yet kind.

Our meal began with us ordering drinks, all of which were served in beakers, and accompanied by a complimentary non-alcoholic shot, coloured purple. Then we began to receive dishes, the most interesting was Russian roulette takoyaki. Unfortunately I ended up with the takoyaki filled with really hot sauce – but I’m kind of glad I did, less octopus for me!

About halfway in to our meal sirens started, the lights flicked on and off and an announcement was made – in 10 minutes a monster will come. There were several sound and light effects to set the mood, and then the lights turned back on and dinner resumed. This warning is to ensure customers are not out of their cell during the show.

10 minutes later all of the lights went out, scary sound effects and screams began and a black light turned on. This light made everybody’s teeth, lips and eyes glow eerily, and set the mood. I won’t spoil the surprise, but let’s just say we were visited by a few creatures of the night, and my host mother ended up on the floor.

Afterwards I expected the festivities to end, but as we were finishing our meal another announcement played over the speakers – Holly sama, omedetou! My lovely host family had taken me out for a surprise thank you party! The police woman entered out cell, accompanied by other members of staff and a man dressed as a skeleton. He held an amazing cake with sparklers, and we all took photos before digging in. It was such a lovely thought and so much fun – though quite frightening.

Before leaving, 夏帆 and I took a quick trip to the bathroom. My advice: Never. Go. Alone. In the cubicle a creepy girls voice scream and says things like ‘help me’, or ‘they’re coming’. So I recommend that the weak willed find a friend for toilet journeys, or perhaps consider waiting until you leave.

Overall it was a hectic an amazing experience, and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. After all, where else can you get locked up and fed by a skeleton?


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